Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Those who can't hear, write

I'm going through a dry spell again.
In this desert questions ping around in my head, never finding a resting place and making my heart weary.

What is God's purpose for me again?
Am I fulfilling His plan for me?
Do I care enough about others, and less about myself?
Am I giving enough?
Loving enough?
What do I do with this discontent?
Where did I step off the path from His presence and into this...nothingness?

It's not like God isn't here, it's just been a long time since He's felt near.
I do know reality, just as you do.
He's not the one who moved, so I must have.
He's not the one who moved...

There are some methods I know to stay close and yet I get so lazy.
Self-discipline is not one of my strengths and I've never been disciplined enough to improve it.
Vicious cycle you say?!?

I write this to have some accountability.
It would seem I hear God more when I am writing.
He shows up on the paper, in the words my finger-tips type.
He nudges my heart and says "See, I didn't scoot over and sit closer to me."
So I'm going to, starting now.
I'm going to read His Word daily, write what I hear, pray intentionally.

Because those of us who can't hear clearly, must write for the point to finally sink in.

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